Prevention and recovery of oil and pollutant
- We minimize damage caused by oil and pollutant, and restore it.
- Once oil and pollutant should flow out of the vessel, damage become immeasurable. We are prepared to mobilize equipment for prevention, recovery and clean-up of spilled oil and pollutant, and promptly dispatch work force to the site to conduct necessary services for recovery of oil and pollutant, and clean up the oil stained area.
Recovery of fuel oil from a sunken vessel
A cargo ship sank at depth of 90 m off Uraga Channel on 18 March 2014 and consequently substantial oil flowed out. Since it was absolutely difficult to stop oil by ROV, we adopted mixed gas diving system which was introduced in 2013. Availing limited time of slack water in strong tidal current, divers accomplished oil sealing and removal which successfully rendered the vessel harmless.
Prevention of oil spill
A crude oil tanker sustained fracture on the hull due to rough sea in the Sea of Japan, and consequently broke in two on 2 January in 1997. Whilst stern section sank into deep waters, bow section drifted ashore at Mikuni, Fukui Prefecture. We were engaged in oil removal of bow section, oil fighting at sea and oil cleaning of oil stained shore line.
Recovery of HNS from a sunken vessel
A chemical tanker sank at depth of about 68 m off Yeosu Korea. We removed nitric acid from 2008 to 2009, and in 2010 successfully removed fuel oil which rendered the vessel harmless. Removal of HNS was conducted in swift tidal currents and poor visibility with use of Framo ROLS system as well as Sonsub CRU system both of which were handled by ROV without accident.
Removal of bunker from a sunken vessel
Following collision with other traffic, the vessel sank at south of Che Ju island Korea on 17 January 2019. In spite of water depth 120 meters at the sunken position as well as limited favorable weather window, we were forced to complete the difficult work rapidly and multipurpose work barge mounted with saturation diving system was mobilized. Oil removal was promptly completed in success which contributed to prevent spread of environmental damage.