- 1893
Salvage Department of Mitsubishi Nagasaki Dockyard started full-scale salvage business in December.
- 1917
Tokyo Salvage Co., Ltd. was established.
Salvage Department of Mitsubishi Nagasaki Dockyard, Yamasina Kaiji and Matsuda Kaiji were merged to found Nippon Kaiji Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Osaka)
- 1918
Teikoku Kaiji Kogyo Co., Ltd. was established.
- 1924
Nippon Kaiji Kogyo Co., Ltd. and Teikoku Kaiji Kogyo Co., Ltd. were unified,and Imperial Salvage Co., Ltd. was founded.
From this time to the beginning of Showa era, salvage industry in Japan made rapid growth through competition between Teikoku Salvage and Tokyo Salvage.
- 1934
At the request of the Japanese underwriters who requested further sound development and stable management of the Japanese shipping industry, the Nippon Salvage Co., Ltd. was established through amalgamation of Teikoku Salvage Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Salvage Co., Ltd., and most of salvage facilities and personnel of the both companies were succeeded, and the Nippon Salvage Co., Ltd. made new start on 21 September.
- 1937
Salvage of passenger ship Asama Maru aground in Hong Kong. (Salvage accomplished in success in 1938.)
- 1939
Office opened at Shanghai, China
- 1940
Institute of technology as well as training facility of diving was newly built at Tsukishima, Tokyo.
- 1949
Underwater electric cutting put into practical use.
- 1965
Underwater electric welding put into practical use.
- 1979
Marine Construction Department was set up.
- 1992
Yoshida, president of the time assigned board of director of International Salvage Union for the first Japanese.
- 1995
Obtained Certification of ISO 9002.
- 1998
A large ocean going salvage tug Koyo Maru (10,000 HP) built and put into practical use.
- 2001
Obtained ertification of ISO 9001.
Multi purpose work barge Kaiyo built and put into practical use.
- 2005
Multiple purpose work barge Masakuni built and put into practical use.
Small ROV deployed.
- 2006
Obtained certification of ISO 14001.
- 2007
Salvage tug Hayashio Maru built and put into practical use. (Presently chartered by Nissal Marine Co., Ltd.)
- 2008
Multi purpose work barge Mishima built and put into practical use.
- 2010
Constructed Shin-Moji warehouse.
- 2011
Engaged in lots of salvage and wreck removal services due to Great East Japan Earthquake.
- 2012
Rebuilt Moji Branch Office.
- 2013
Mixed gas diving equipment deployed.
- 2014
New warehouse adjoining training pool built and put into practical use.
80th anniversary since foundation of the company.
- 2016
Multipurpose work barge Kaishin built and put into practical use.
- 2019
Saturation diving system adopted.
- 2023
Multi-purpose work barge "MASAKUNI" adopted new quadrant cable lay system for offshore wind turbines.
- 2024
Ocean-going salvage tug "KOYO MARU" (3rd gen.) was successfully delivered, which has the greatest bollard pull in Japan.
- 2024
90th anniversary of company foundation was celebrated.
- Present
In order to respond to request from shipping and insurance industry etc., we endeavour to inherit and devote ourselves to the study of salvage skill which has been fostered since Meiji Era, and we are still up to the present with the first class international reputation in the industry after some 130 years.